Sunday, November 7, 2010


Oh goodness...what to say about the Kennedy's!??!!?  Mark and Holly were one of my first EVER photo shoots.  We were all in college at Western Illinois and they got I offered to take their engagement photos.  I really had a good time.  Since then, Mark has delved into the world of photography.  He's awesome...but that means he is rarely in any of the photos - he's always taking them!

It was so fun to shoot their pics again.  Holly even brought the album that I gave her with her engagement shots in them.  Of course, we had to re-create a few.  ;-)

They now have two adorable children - Quinn and Mo.  There were a blast.  I can't wait to get to see them and hang out with them more.

Also - make sure you check out Holly's website.  She makes some awesome tutus!!!

From the engagement shoot....

And the re-enacted shots w/ the newcomers.  ;-)


Holly Kennedy said...

I love love love love LOVE all the photos! You are fantastic! Thanks for the beautiful pictures! Keep up the great work!

kt :-) said...

Thanks Holly!!! ;-) thanks for the new addition!!