Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blake Chase

Katie here again!! First, a quick update on me. I am officially a Nashvillian. The house is a disaster, but as of yesterday, I've got a fridge, washer, and dryer, so I'm good to go!! The fixing of the house is taking a backseat to the photos I've got to edit. I should have a ton for you to look at in the near future.

I am biased, I know, but isn't he just adorable?!?!?! Blake is the son of my cousin Zack and his wife Amy. He is an absolute stinkin' funny!! Happy almost 2nd Birthday, Blake!! He is the most sports-lovingest 2 year old I've ever hung out with. At 18 months, he didn't want to watch any cartoons..."Football!!" he kept telling me. I found some highlights on ESPN and sat down to watch, but no....."Football GAME!!!" he started yelling. How can an 18 month old know the difference between highlights and a game?!?! You'd better watch out for this one! ;-)

1 comment:

Francie Roseen said...

All these new pix are just wonderful! (and I am absolutely not prejudiced!)

Love, Mom